If not addressed quickly, poor dental health can impact not only teeth and gums, but overall well-being as well. Dr. Mercola encourages pet parents to take whatever steps they can beyond regular brushing and professional dental checkups. One important step that can help with your dog’s oral care is a properly formulated dental chew bone. Dr. Mercola formulated their human-grade Dental Chew Bones to provide your pet with:
• Natural cleaning abrasives for clean teeth and healthy gums• A chew that is completely digestible
• An irresistible tasting treat
• Effective ingredients for fresher breath
• 100 percent U.S.A. ingredients for your peace of mind
However, what’s not in these dog bones may be the best news yet... Dr. Mercola personally developed advanced recipe is unique in the market because they contain NO:
• Carrageenan• Wheat, gluten, soy, or corn
• Animal proteins (perfect for food allergies or sensitivities)
• Genetically engineered ingredients
• Animal by-products like gelatin or animal glycerin
• Saturated fat or trans-fat
• Added sugar or salt
• Chemical preservatives, artificial colors or flavors