The Health-E-Bouquet is a safe, fun chew for small animals. Chews keep teeth trimmed and provide a fun activity that relieves cage boredom. Supervision is recommended.
- safe, non-toxic chew
- fun shapes
- made with high fiber timothy hay for digestion
$ 82.85
$ 63.73
The Health-E-Bouquet is a safe, fun chew for small animals. Chews keep teeth trimmed and provide a fun activity that relieves cage boredom. Supervision is recommended.
$ 15.99
$ 30.00
$ 41.99
$ 54.59
$ 46.02
$ 59.83
$ 32.95
$ 75.18
$ 47.49
$ 26.90
$ 44.99
$ 50.00
$ 64.00
$ 107.00
$ 39.80